Sunday, April 15, 2018

Greek Week, Best Week

If you read my blog last week, you know that it was recently Greek week at Ohio Northern University. You would also know that my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, won the first event of the week, Greek sing. Greek sing is the number one event that my sorority works hard for and takes extreme pride in. When it comes to the rest of the week, though, we focus on having a good time and bonding with each other.

The second day of Greek week consisted of events called “Pandora’s Box” and “Trivia.” Pandora’s box is an event that consists of three players and is kept a secret until the players arrive to the location where the event is taking place; there is no way to prepare for this event. This year, the event consisted of constructing a “house” for the characters of the theme chosen by each sorority or fraternity. For example, Zeta Tau Alpha chose the theme of Hocus Pocus, therefore built a spooky, Halloween looking “house.” We came in third for this event. Right after Pandora’s box, Trivia took place. This event is based off knowledge of the overall theme, which was Disney this year. ZTA also took a third-place victory in this event as well.

Wednesday consists of kickball. ZTA was unlucky in this event due to one of our members getting hurt and having to go to the hospital. We finished in fourth for the event and spent the rest of the evening sending positive vibes to the hospital for our strong sister who supported us even from the hospital. The next day, volleyball took place. We unfortunately also got fourth place in volleyball; however, not a single Zeta lady could be mad at the efforts brought by our sisters playing the game. They all worked so hard and made sure they had fun and that is what Greek week is all about.

Friday consisted of another two events: “Mud Tug” and “Polar Relay.” We send our seniors into a mud pit against another sorority in hopes to drag the other team through the mud to a victory. Unfortunately, quite the opposite happened and we took home another fourth place. Following mud tug, we had four sisters run 400 meters each in the polar relay and finished in second! I am most impressed by the polar relay because it amazes me how people can run so fast and somehow have fun and not be completely out of breath…I guess I will never understand.

Last day, best day. Greek Olympics took place on Saturday, where several events took place: pyramid, egg toss, pizza eating, an ultimate relay race and a 6-legged race. The weather was rainy and slightly miserable, but Zeta Tau Alpha proudly took first place on the pyramid and 6-legged race, third on the ultimate relay and egg toss competition and fourth on the pizza eating contest. We were super proud to get first in the pyramid because the last time ZTA won that event was in 2011. Also, I must say, the pizza eating contest might be the grossest thing I have ever chosen to watch and the scars will remain with me until I die; ZTA will likely never get first in that event because we appreciate pizza too much.

Overall, we ended up getting fourth place for Greek week out of four sororities. Some might say we “lost” Greek week because we did, but every day our sisterhood was winning. We had the most fun this year and when we lost, we lost with joy in our hearts because we made the best out of every event and got closer as a chapter. Greek week is the most competitive week of the year for Greek life, but the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha chose to let the week bring us closer together and support Greek life as a whole. I am proud to be a Zeta and proud of all that we accomplish, whether it’s a win or lose.


  1. Greek week is always a crazy week but its especially different watching from the outside. Being that my sorority isnt a "social" so we do not participate in greek week, it is always fun to watch everyone have such a good time participating in these events! Greek sing is right up my alley and I loved watching videos of you guys (couldnt attend because I had work). I think Greek Week is a healthy competition and even though there is a loser, people always have fun and use it as a bonding experience!

  2. I got to experience a couple days of greek week this year and it was my first time witnessing this madness. It was insane how much time and effort went into each competition and it was awesome to see all of the sororities and fraternities doing everything together and bonding over the thing they had in common.

  3. Greek Week, best week!! Obviously this year was my first Greek Week ever and now I'm looking forward to them for the next years to come. I loved seeing you and your sisters competing and I have never been so impressed then when I saw you girls do that pyramid. Also, you KILLED Greek sing!! Excited to see you and your sisters again next year :-)
