Monday, April 2, 2018

Hoppy Easter

At Ohio Northern University, students are granted two days off for the chance to celebrate the Easter holiday. This year was special for me because I got the chance to bring my boyfriend, Aaron, home with me to meet my friends and family. Holidays are a special time in my family to celebrate and appreciate and I was blessed to get to share the weekend with Aaron. He lives two hours away from me, in Strongsville, so I really appreciate getting to spend time together away from our college campus.

We made our way from Ada to Plain City on Friday morning so I could get ready for work at 2:00 p.m. My mom and sister took Aaron shopping and out to dinner while they waited for me to finish my shift. My family took Aaron to Roosters for dinner because he has never been there before. When I came home around 9:30 p.m., they were all in my basement watching the new Jumanji movie; it was ending when I showed up, so I only got to watch about the last 15 minutes. We all hung out for a little while before going to bed for the night and getting ready for a packed Saturday.

On Saturday, my family and I went to Polaris mall to shop around and then we went and got lunch. We again took Aaron to a place he had never eaten at before, Raising Cane’s. After lunch, we all went for ice cream at a Russell Stover store. I got a cookie dough milkshake and I can honestly say cookie dough is now my new flavor of milkshake. After all of that, my mom took me to get a new phone for my birthday and I dragged Aaron with me to that too. I upgraded my iPhone 6s to the iPhone 8 plus and I absolutely love the upgrade. I have been “fan girling” over my new phone for three days now and counting. When we went home for the day, my mom made a taco bar for dinner and we ate as a family once my dad got home. My family all laid around the rest of the night, while Aaron and I went to my basement to watch the movie Dead Pool before going to bed for the night.

On Easter Sunday, we woke up and ate cinnamon rolls before looking through our Easter baskets. My parents were generous enough to make a basket for Aaron because they wanted him to feel welcomed and at home in our house, which I thought was thoughtful of them and made Aaron feel good. My mom’s birthday happened to fall on Easter this year, so for lunch we had reservation at Cap City Diner. Aaron got to meet my brother, who doesn’t live with us anymore, and my grandpa. For the rest of the day we just relaxed and hung out celebrating the day. My sister ended up going back to her college that night because they had regularly scheduled classes the following Monday. When she left, my dad gave Aaron an extensive bourbon tasting. My dad collects bourbons and attempted to teach Aaron to appreciate it as much as he does. It’s safe to say it might take a few more extensive tastings.

For Aaron and I, Monday was the day we got to head back to Ohio Northern. My mom took us to First Watch for breakfast because it’s my favorite brunch restaurant and Aaron has also never been there. After brunch, we drove to the Columbus Crew MAPFRE stadium. I have a summer marketing internship with them and needed to pick up my credentials and parking pass while I was home for the weekend. We went back to my house afterwards and my best friend Brenna came over to meet Aaron. She was heading back to her college that evening and stopped by to see my parents and boyfriend before she left. We all hung out for about an hour before she left and Aaron and I went to dinner at a place called Bibibop. Once we got dinner, we headed back to the village of Ada to prepare for the dread of having classes on Tuesday.

The weekend may not have been all that eventful, but it was an opportunity for my boyfriend to get to know my family and vice versa. Aaron and I have only been dating for about three months and it was the first holiday we got to spend together with family. I look forward to meeting his family and celebrating other holidays to come this year.


  1. This sounds like a super fun weekend! Bringing home a boyfriend for the first time can be nerve-wracking but it seems like he and your family clicked right away. That's awesome. Also, I love Bibibop!

  2. It sounds like you had a fairly busy Easter weekend but it sounds like it turned out really well. Cookie dough was a solid choice of milkshake, especially if it has the pieces of cookie dough in it.

  3. What a fun-filled weekend! First of all congrats on a great relationship and a great internship with Columbus Crew! I remember going to see them with my soccer playing twin brother in high school. It seems like your parents enjoyed having Aaron there, especially if they made him an Easter basket too! Here's to many more Happy Easters!

  4. I loved reading about your Easter weekend, it sounded very eventful! My family flew home from our trip on Easter day so I unfortunately did not get a real Easter this year. So, I have been thriving on hearing about everyone else's day with their families and it sounds like yours was awesome!
