One characteristic is constant in any type of relationship:
trust. If you can’t trust your significant other, friends, family or even the
brand you’re purchasing from as a consumer, then that relationship won’t last. Trust
is a widely studied concept both by itself and as a component of the quality of
relationships. Research has shown that trust is one of six independently
measurable components of a relationship. Regardless of the type of
relationship, trust is an essential part and there are three dimensions that
are measurable and holds many characteristics. I will be looking specifically
at the trust between a business and consumer relationship.
Competence is the belief that someone has the ability to do something.
If an organization falls through on delivering what they promised or are unable
to complete a task at hand, consumers will stray to a competitor that may be
more competent. Competence proves that a brand can compete and survive in the marketplace.
Integrity is the belief that something is fair and just. It is important for an
organization to have integrity so that consumers can respect the brand. Dependability
can also be known as reliability and is the belief that someone will do what
they say they will do an acts consistently on it. Competence, integrity and dependability/reliability
are three dimensions of trust that are measurable.
There are many more characteristics of trust than there are
dimensions. Characteristics cannot be measured as easily, but are still important
in building relationships. A few of these characteristics are multilevel,
dynamic and culturally rooted. Trust results from positive interactions. For
this reason, it’s important to have a wide network in your organization and
publics. When doing so, you hold the multilevel characteristic of trust. Having
dynamic is important because trust is constantly changing because it cycles through
phases of building and destabilizing. Having dynamic is important to be able to
measure trust. Lastly, trust is closely tied to the norms, values and beliefs
of culture. Therefore, it is crucial to understand self-image as a company and
be culturally rooted.
Trust seems like a simple concept. Don’t lie and always be
honest. I’ve learned there are several aspects to trust and how it can be
measured. Trust is not only critical for relationships involving significant
others and friends, but also for companies and their consumers. Trust is
measured for marketing purposes for organizations. Business cannot succeed if
they don’t have consumers that trust their brand and their culture. Trust may
be a simple concept in light, but there is a lot that goes into it and how it
keeps relationships of all sorts thriving.
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